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Popular Baby Names from 1940

December 16th, 2008

Here is the listing of most popular baby names from 1940:

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Popular Baby Names from 1960

December 9th, 2008

Here is the list of the most popular baby names from 1960:

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Popular Baby Names from 1980

December 2nd, 2008

Here’s the listing of popular baby names from 1980:

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Gift Idea for Someone that Has Everything – A Painting from a Digital Image

November 27th, 2008

I ran across this evening and it reminded me of one of the things I’ve wanted to have done SOME time. Have a painting done. Maybe this is a throwback to watching historically based tv shows where there were houses full of paintings of family members, but I’ve always wanted to see about having paintings done of my family. Yes, we have some pictures, but if you compare a photo and a portrait painting side by side, there’s something more…. enchanting about a painted portrait.

Anyway, is apparently located in the UK, so I wondered what options there were here in the US….

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Popular Baby Names in the Year 2000

November 25th, 2008

Here’s a listing of the most popular baby names from the year 2000:

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Popular Name Series

November 18th, 2008

Primarily Using information from the Social Security Administration I thought I would start a series of popular baby names for various years. (I’m going to pick mostly census years, although I thought I’d start with the current year.) I’m going to be alternating the posts between here and my South Carolina Genealogy Site, so pop over there if you can’t find the year you’re looking for here.

Picasa 3 | Facial Recognition and the Family Genealogist

November 11th, 2008

I’ve posted a quick article over at South Carolina Genealogy about the new Picasa version and what use it could be for the Family Genealogist in organizing pictures of family members. The big feature of interest is facial recognition (you do have to label some to start with, or hope others have labeled and shared their picture name tags.) This is a component of the Picasa Web Albums.

County Page Updates | Alamance, Catawba, Moore

November 10th, 2008

Thanks in part to some forum posts over the weekend I’ve been making some updates to the following county pages today: Alamance County Genealogy, Catawba County Genealogy, and Moore County Genealogy. Moore County got the biggest update, with a feed from the forums plus a thumbnail sketch of the county history. Alamance and Catawba got forum feeds added to the page. The forum feeds are RSS feeds from the County forum of the same name which shows the subject and summary of the most recent posts in that forum. Not quite 1/5th of the counties have forum feeds added yet, but as posts collect in the forum I’ll be adding the feeds on the appropriate pages.

United States – Election Tuesday 2008 – History of United States Presidential Elections

November 4th, 2008

Every four years we hear the same thing…. “This is the most important election in our lifetimes” and it is truly a solemn and remarkable thing that occurs. The population of the country come out and without shots fired…. they change the course of their country. No matter who wins the election it’s always an awesome and awe-inspiring process. In recent years it’s been more evident than ever how few votes can really swing an election. Do your part, cast an informed vote.

With that I move on to post a History of United States Presidential Elections…

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Strange Cache Problem – Technical Note

October 31st, 2008

The last several days I suspect that at least the front page wasn’t showing here. My first clue was when a couple articles I have pending at an article site were rejected because the links didn’t measure up to their editorial guidelines. ((?)?) So, I took a look and the front page looked okay to me. Then, being a Computer Technician I wondered what I would see from another browser. 403 Forbidden and some error message about not having permissions to access a certain file. It turns out that since I was logged in it wasn’t an issue in my usual browser. I thought traffic looked low (about a third of normal) for the last few days.

Anyway, the cache is only partly working right now, but the problem has been resolved, so things should be back to normal.