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Church Records and the Days Before Official Records

September 23rd, 2003

I must say that I’ve had a hard time getting started writing about church records. I’d like to tell you that there’s a book that’s compiled most of these into one resource, or there’s one place to write to find the information. Unfortunately, there’s not. However difficult they may be to come by, church records are quite important to the genealogist, because they fill in important information.
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The Clues are Everywhere

September 23rd, 2003

The last couple of times, I’ve talked about the census and reminded you to question the accuracy of the records that you find. Now it’s time to give you some good news about your research. The clues to your families heritage are everywhere. I know from experience that many times you think that you’ve discovered all there is to know about a certain family. You’ve come to a “dead end” and can’t seem to work around that. Not to sound too optimistic, but it is usually the case that you just need to rethink where you are looking.
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Searching the State Archives

September 23rd, 2003

For those of you that have never moved your research beyond the census and local county records, this column is for you. There are worlds of genealogical information available at your state archives. For the readers of this column outside North Carolina, I will be referring in large part to the state archives here in North Carolina. This said, odds are your state archives holds similar materials and has similar policies on researching them.
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Old What’s New Items

September 23rd, 2003

Call me sentimental…. I’ve copied the old site’s What’s New items (going back to 1997) into this article….
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Genealogy Columns

September 22nd, 2003

The first 6 of these columns were released in 1997, I’ve dated them as September 2003 because I can’t do any dates prior to that with the new system. I’m moving the first six columns here for archival purposes, and in the hopes that I may continue the series at some point. Time (lack of it) was the main reason I trailed off when I did on these. I can’t promise new articles soon, but I hope that sometime I’ll be able to. With the new format, it should be a little quicker and easier for me to add an article which will help.