The U.S. War of Independence, or American Revolution came to blows in 1775 after years of growing tensions in the colonies. George Washington was made commander-in-chief of the American forces in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress. The Declaration of Indepence was signed and delivered in 1776. For the purpose of research, this war resembled a civil war in many respects. Opinions ran hot on both sides of the issue of separation from England and just about everyone had an opinion. This is one war that most everyone alive at the time was touched by somehow.
The independence of the colonies was pretty much conceded in 1778 with the entrance of long-time British rival, France on the side of the colonies. This turned the small conflict into more of a global war and allies lined up with the U.S. either providing real support, or non-combative agreement with the American cause.
In 1781, with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown and the evacuation of British troops out of Charleston, the majority of the land war was over. There were still British forces occupying New York and much of the northern colonies. Peace was negotiated over the next year and a half and the Treaty of Paris was finally accepted in 1783. With this came recognition of U.S. Independence and the cession of much British occupied territory to the newly independent country.
Many U.S. veterans of the Revolution were paid in promises of land after the war. These land grant records are a handy resource for genealogists. Most of these are organized by state. (For example, North Carolina Land Grants to Revolutionary War Soldiers.)
If one of your ancestors was born between 1730 and 1765 or so, it might be worth researching to see if they were in the revolution.
1776 Year of Illusions
Thomas J. Fleming, Thomas Flemming / Hardcover / Published 1996
1777 : The Year of the Hangman
John S. Pancake / Paperback / Published 1992
1813 List of Revolutionary War Pensioners
Campbell's Rifles - Rev. War reenactors
King's Mtn.- Route Map
Guilford Courthouse - Area Map
Guilford Courthouse - Map
Moore's Creek - Access Map
Moore's Creek - Map
Revolutionary War Soliders of Western North Carolina Vol 1
E. White / Hardcover / Published 1984
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